Director of Intervention Services
Phone: 662.449.7179
Intervention Services

Sara Jane Russell
The DCS Department of Intervention is responsible for the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) - Academic and Behavioral Support for the students of DCS. Sara Jane Russell serves as the Director of Intervention. She first served as a classroom teacher and intervention team member for 10 years. She left the classroom to become a district wide support interventionist followed by an assistant principal at both the middle and high school levels. Next, she served as the head principal for Southaven Intermediate School. She is passionate in celebrating the growth of all students in both the realms of academic and behavior. Mrs. Russell assists administrators, interventionists, counselors, and teachers to understand the Multi-Tiered System of Support for both academics and behaviors as part of the school improvement process.
Dropout Prevention Plan - Please email Sara Jane Russell at to request a copy of the 2023-2024 Dropout Prevention Plan.

Nikki Bailey
MTSS PBIS Specialist
Phone: 662.449.7148
Nikki Bailey has served DeSoto County Schools for 16 years as a middle school classroom teacher, district-wide intervention specialist working with Kindergarten through eighth grade as well as an elementary assistant principal. Mrs. Bailey strives each day to set students and teachers up for success utilizing evidence and research based strategies to maximize growth.