Accountability & Research

Ryan Kuykendall

Ryan Kuykendall

Chief Accountability Officer

Mr. Ryan Kuykendall serves as the Chief Accountability Officer for DeSoto County Schools. Having served the district first as a counselor and then as an administrator in many different settings, Mr. Kuykendall serves the academic services department with a plethora of ideas and experience.

Mr. Kuykendall helps administrators, counselors, and teachers analyze and understand assessment and accountability data at various levels.

Mr. Kuykendall also serves as the supervisor for benchmark assessments, universal screeners, state assessments, ACT, ACT WorkKeys, the PSAT, and Advanced Placement assessments.

District and School Accountability Results

Literacy Based Promotion Act (LBPA) Annual Report of Performance and Student Retention

Testing Calendars

Meet the Team

Emily Burke

Emily Burke

Universal Screeners, Benchmark Assessments, Good Cause Exemption

Ashley Ginn

Ashley Ginn

State Assessments and Accommodations

Robyn Graham

Robyn Graham

STC & MDE Deadlines/STC & MDE Paperwork/General Communication/General Questions

Shelley Howell

Shelley Howell

ACT/PSAT/AP/WorkKeys Assessments

Ryan Kuykendall

Ryan Kuykendall

CAO, Accountability/Data/Reports

Additional Resources