Spotlight on #TeamDCS

Bus 543 and Ms. Works
Pleasant Hill Elementary School
"Bus 543 has earned the most positive bus behavior tokens and are officially our Pleasant Hill Bus of the Month! We are so excited and proud of Ms. Works and all the 543 bus riders!"

Mr. Paul Chrestman Wins Champion of Safety Award
"I was very humbled to receive this award. This would not be possible without the great team of principals, teachers, local police, and Central Services Staff"

CTC East Logistics & Supply Chain Students Visit MEM6 Amazon Location
via X.com/@DCS_CTCEast
"Thank you, Amazon, for allowing us to visit!"

National School Counselors Week
Speaker Gen Nelson, Director Tajuana Williams and Superintendent Uselton
"DCS ended National School Counselors Week on a high note. National Speaker Gen Nelson from the American School Counselor Association hosted a Grief Workshop in recognition of National School Counselor Week." @DCSMentalHealth #TeamDCS #BeTheStandard

Shana Blakely, LCHS Career Coach
via 3 Rivers Career Coaches
Lake Cormorant High School Career Coach Shana Blakely, coordinated time for Summer Jasper from St. Jude's STEM Education and Outreach Program to have a small group Q&A with several juniors about the St. Jude High School Research Immersion Program. Ms. Jasper gave the juniors several great tips to prepare their applications for this summer's opportunity of a lifetime. This is the first year DeSoto County students have been allowed to apply. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086495683676

Educator Prep Students at CTC East Thank Local High Schools
via CTCE News
"Educator Prep students had a busy week last week. We shadowed high school test coordinators, counselors, athletic and band directors, and principals. A HUGE thank you to all DCS schools that were so wonderfully welcoming and helpful. Our students learned SO much about the "behind the scenes" of running a school. We truly appreciate you allowing us to be a part of your week!" #BeTheStandard #TeamDCS #theteacherlook

Congratulations, Dr. Carol Ingram!
for being selected to receive the state leadership award by the National Association of Federal Education Program Administrators!
#TeamDCS #BetheStandard

DCS eNews
DCS Parent & Family Engagement Summit 2024 #TeamDCS

Greenbrook Elementary School
via DCSeNews
"Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey entertained students at Greenbrook Elementary School this afternoon, and everyone left school a little happier! "

Morgan Scurlock
Graduate of Center Hill High School
"CHHS taught me to stay humble in everything I do, to stay hungry for what I desire, and to keep working hard to achieve my goals. My confidence has drastically increased over the past four years and I look forward to what is planned for me in the near future!

DCS eNews
#BeTheStandard #TeamDCS
To commemorate Giving Tuesday, we had the chance to witness some of our Digital Media students putting their skills into practice at the DeSoto County Dream Center!

Vaughn Stackhouse, Senior
DCHS Soccer Defender
"I love playing soccer at DeSoto Central High School. I am excited to see what our new coach, Coach Metzger, will bring to our program."